One of the best motivations for listening to intuition is regretting a time that we didn’t. I received this emailed story from B. Jordan:
Over the holidays, I went home to Michigan to visit with family. While I was there, I kept thinking about one of my old friends who had long since moved away from Michigan and I hadn’t seen her or spoken to her for years. I mentioned it to my mother and she told me that this friend’s aunt still lived in town and mentioned that the aunt had been sick. I didn’t think anything more of it and after our visit, I returned home. The day after the new year, my mother called to tell me that she had run into my friend’s aunt. The aunt told my mom that my friend had been there for the holidays and she had mentioned getting in touch with me. I wish that I had contacted my friend’s aunt when I was home because then I would have seen my friend. We each thought about each other but neither of us acted on it. I realize now that my constantly thinking about her was really my intuition.
Thanks for the story, B. What we can learn from this is that intuition isn’t really that complicated. The key is taking note of those things that weigh on your mind unexpectedly. For example, if money is a concern right now, it’s probably not your intuition if you’re thinking heavily about money. But if your finances are great and you feel a sudden twinge of anxiety about money, there might be something for you to consider.
Intuitive Action Item: Next time something weighs unexpectedly on your mind, ask yourself if there’s a step you can take that’s related to that concern. Most of your thoughts are fleeting and passing. The ones that stick around tend to be there for a reason.
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